I got your back with this one. I just so happen to have a PHD in Gundam Gaming on PC. I possess intimate knowledge about every option you can possibly have with Gundam Gaming on PC from Top to Bottom. Now before we begin, I need to confirm one thing with you. What are your System Specs (Processor/RAM/Video Card)?
The reason why I'm asking this is because I need to make sure your PC meets the minimum system requirements for Gundam Gaming on PC. And those minimum requirements are as follows: • (AT LEAST) A Dual Core Processor • (AT LEAST) 2GBs of RAM • NVIDIA/AMD Video Card OR an Intel HD 4000 Integrated Graphics or Higher • Windows 7 or Higher. If your PC does not meet those Minimum System Requirements, then that is going to severely limit you as to what Gundam Games you can play on PC. Get back to me on that one little request, and then we'll see where we go from there. And to answer your question about the EXVS Mod for Windom XP: DON'T BOTHER Not only is that mod GOD-AWFUL in terms of quality, but the makers of that mod are LYING FRAUDS. They stole other people's WindomXP Models and used them in their modpack without permission from the original authors.